Did you like the joke?? to ..Die (Cast) for?? Get it?
Anyway…moving on swiftly, on one of our regular trips to a country auction, Bazza and I were having one of our usual diecast discussions. Despite being related we seem to have more toy related conversations than any others concerning such minor things as family matters!
Anyway, the conversation turned to Matchbox 1-75s and I just happened to mention a website which was relevant to our conversation. This website is so popular amongst collectors that I thought Bazza obviously knew about.
A moment of silence passed, and I could tell Baz had not the foggiest idea what I was talking about.
I glanced over at him. His blank expression said it all.
“You don’t know what I’m going on about do you”, I said.
“NNNope…never heard about that site”.
I was shocked! This coming from a man who had been collecting all his life and had amassed a vast bank of knowledge!
Another great lesson – never assume!
This got me to thinking how many other Matchbox car collectors don’t know about the site I was talking about?
Anyway, I thought I would share with you some of the sites I refer to.
This is not meant to be a guide as to best resources on the net. It’s just a straightforward list of the most useful sites or pages on the Internet which have helped increase my knowledge.
Just because I’ve found them useful in some way, doesn’t necessarily mean you will them the useful in the same way. Please judge them for yourself.
Here are my 20 pages (and they are in no particular order!!):
- https://matchbox175.wordpress.com
- http://www.vintagebritishdiecasts.co.uk/
- http://www.vintagebritishdiecasts.co.uk/mbindex.htm
- http://www.cfalkensteiner.com/Matchbox/ChFMatchboxIndex.htm
- http://www.vintagebritishdiecasts.co.uk/lesneyonline/index.html
- http://www.cfalkensteiner.com/Matchbox/Catalog/LS/ChFLSIndex.htm
- http://www.cfalkensteiner.com/Matchbox/Wheels/sup/ChFWheelsSup.htm
- http://www.matchboxmemories.com/
- http://www.fcarnahan.com/index.html
- https://matchbox.fandom.com/wiki/Matchbox_Cars_Wiki
- https://www.rockertron.com/
- http://matchboxforum.co.uk/
- https://www.bamca.org/
- http://www.darkens.net.nz/1-75%20variations.htm
- https://diecast.zig-d.co.uk/matchbox/
- http://mb-db.co.uk/index.php
- https://www.chezbois.com/non_corgi/matchbox_lesney_1-75.htm
- http://www.mokolesneymatchbox.com/
- http://www.shabbir.com/matchbox/mbmenu.html
- http://www.dream-tintoys.com/index.php?page=lesney
I know you’ll be aware of other sites or pages which I haven’t mentioned in the post – but, don’t forget it isn’t meant to be a definitive list or guide.
If you do know of others, please share with us and leave your comments in the box below.
(Thanks to our friends at Vectis Auctions Ltd for allowing us to use their images on our post)