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Nacroral Citroen SM

Big Citroens

Nacoral SM, if you do not know what this is then carefully type it into your search engine (don’t blame me if you misspell it and end up looking at some very odd pictures).

The Spanish firm made some very interesting larger scale models including the Mini, Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, Chevrolet Monza GT, Seat 850 Coupe, Ford Capri and others but they rarely turn up over here.

I have just bought a rally version of their Citroen SM in a very second-hand condition, but I can’t resist an SM.

As you can see from the pictures with a pink Corgi version for size reference it is a bit of a bruiser at somewhere around a 1:25 scale and is surprisingly heavy with a thick diecast base, this example weighing in at 401 grams even with the tailgate missing. The front looks a bit odd with a flush fitting front bumper which looks a bit too shallow in relation to the oversize glass nose but that aside it’s quite a pleasing model, now I just need to find another battered model with a good tailgate to donate to this one. It may take a while, but I do like a good search.

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