Before I start, I’d just like to thank some of the collecting fraternity I have befriended on social media for providing me with the inspiration to write this post and for the memories that posting this particular model has evoked over the last weeks.
However, I must say that I really do not like this model. In fact, I can’t abide it. In fact, I’d even go as far to say that …I HATE this model!! Harsh I know, and “hate” is not a word I like to use as part of my vocabulary. It is a strong word that stirs many a strong emotion, and that’s exactly what this 1-64 monstrosity does to me!
To be honest, I’ve nothing against model which first hit the high street toy shops back in 1966. Admittedly it is a cute little thing and believe it or not, I’ve owned a few during my collecting lifetime.
The first one was bought for me by my parents in the late 60’s. The second I bought at a “Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale” that was held at my Junior school in the 1970’s. Both endured the trials and tribulations of childhood; the bashes; scrapes; the drops from great heights and the beatings I subjected them to with my Dad’s 4lb lump hammer!
Over the last six months or so, I’ve picked one or two up at auctions in amongst mixed lots of Matchbox and I must admit that and as soon as I get them home, I put them straight on to eBay!
My Dad bought it after our beloved Ford Anglia 105E succumbed to an early death. I loved that car. It was fantastic and looked totally cool with its sporty chrome bullet wing mirrors, and its front wings adorned with flame stickers my Dad got free with an issue of Custom Car magazine! Wicked! Many a good family holiday was enjoyed in this little beauty.
Hardly a week went by without the little beast breaking down. Dads patience was stretched to the limit by it and the final straw came after a family expedition to Bridlington in 1974.
It was an annual pilgrimage made by all the family to visit the part of the family who lived “on’t rong side o’Pennines”. Surprisingly the little beast had behaved itself that week, until we reached York, when it suddenly decided that enough was enough.
The little beast took its last breath in a side street in a residential part of the ancient city. Fortunately for us, a lady resident came to our aid by providing us with the use of her telephone (no mobiles then!) and refreshments until the AA man came to tow us to a local garage. The lady also said she would look after our luggage until we returned to pick up the monster. It’s surprising how people were a lot more trustworthy in the 70’s!

Looking back, it’s amazing how we all got back home – Mum, Dad and me, all piled into my Uncles purple MK1 Escort – together with my Auntie and two cousins!! It wouldn’t and couldn’t happen now! Seven people crammed into an Escort! How we managed to get over Blubberhouses I’ll never know.
Dad and I returned to York via train a few days later. We duly picked the beast and, taking no chances, took the quickest route back to Lancashire via the M62.
Wouldn’t you know it, the beast broke down again!!!
In the pouring rain, right on the top of the Moors just after the Little House on the Prairie! Dad had to walk to a phone. It seemed to take an eternity as I waited in the car – no health and safety then – no one had thought to vacate the vehicle and sit on the verge in case you were struck by another vehicle.
Low and behold, Dad was picked up by a Motorway Patrol Policeman in his Range Rover. The sight of this Knight Errant getting out of one of my favourite vehicles and getting us back on the road lives with me to this day and accounts for a life long love of Range Rovers.
Needless to say, we didn’t have the blighter for much longer after this memorable incident.
It was good riddance as far as we were all concerned.
The next vehicle was totally opposite. Trustworthy and reliable, it became a part of the family…. a Morris Marina …van!
PS Thanks to @SharpbluePix @Collectomaniac3 @WeLoveDiecast @DiecastAddicts @LittleJohn_MD @FJansky @diecastchile for bringing these memories flooding back!
Is there a diecast, model or toy that you don’t particularly like? If so, tell us about it! Leave a reply in the box at the bottom of the page and tell us. We’d love to hear from you!