At first glance you could take this for a common old Corgi model, but it turns out to be all the way from India.
‘A Milton Product’ it states on the base.
I can’t find very much information about the Calcutta based company other than they bought retired dies from other manufacturers such as Corgi, Dinky and Budgie.
Some of their models are branded Milton-Maxwell and Morgan-Milton and also just Maxwell! they include the Chevrolet Impala which does look like the Corgi version, but it has a very rough casting and also the Studebaker Golden Hawk which looks a little better finished.
Their version of Corgi’s Commer van looks quite good and can be found in different colours.
From Dinky they copied the Leyland Octopus fuel tanker, and another tanker lorry came from Budgie and is paired with their Seddon tractor unit.

The Plymouth is very well cast and does look like the Corgi version with the exception of the roof pillars which are much finer on the Milton, I’m not sure why that would be, possibly the dies needed to be repaired in that area or is this model not taken from the Corgi?
If anyone knows for sure please let us know and keep your eyes peeled for a Milton, Maxwell, Morgan, or any combination of those names!
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