I can’t tell you how much I love this new job of mine! I don’t strictly regard it as a job – I’m simply being paid to do what I love but don’t tell my employer that!
One of the highlights of the eight months I’ve been doing the job (eight months, time flies!!!) is being involved in the sale of The Guinness Book of World Records Largest Womble Collection.
For those non-UK readers – click here if you’ve never heard of The Wombles.
The collection totaled approximately 1,700 items and consists of literally everything.
The collection belonged to Gill Seyfang and it’s received an absolutely ton of publicity lately, and I was even interviewed live on radio a few weeks ago. Check out my dulcet tones!
The Daily Mail came to see the collection recently and interview the team. The journalist asked me what’s the most valuable item? I was amazed that there was such an emphasis on value.
True, it’s not a collection that will fetch millions, but I think the point was missed. The story is and was about the passion of the collector, the vendor.
She had amassed a collection the size of which will probably never be seen again – from chocolate bars; bedding; cruet sets; shower curtains; puppets; cushions; soft toys; plastic cars; garden ornaments – you name it, it was there – anything with a Womble on the vendor had collected it.
And that was the point! Not the value but the passion! The days spent rummaging through flea markets, car boot sales, junk shops – the thrill of the chase, the good times and the fun in the collecting.
Those of us who collect understand – it’s not all about money!
Its been a privilege to play a small part in the journey of the collector and the collection!
Thanks Gill!
Do you agree with Si? Is it about more than the money? Leave a reply in the box at the bottom of the page – we’d love to hear from you!