Green or Green, Red or Red, Why Oh Why ?
Here is a quick wonder out loud for you.A great many Dinky cars and similar have passed through my hands ...

Another Dinky Toys 130 Ford Corsair Mystery
The Dinky 130 Ford Corsair with chauffer used to be on every serious Dinky collector list and carried quite a ...

Have you heard of Kemlow?
We, as diecast collectors, can sometimes be somewhat blaise about our hobby and our collecting habits.I dont know whether I ...

Mercury Ferrari
Controversy is all the rage these days so here is my little grenade; I am not really a Ferrari fan.There ...

Mystery Toy Car
I was lucky enough to purchase this gem recently. As soon as I clapped my eyes on it I was ...

Big Citroens
Nacoral SM, if you do not know what this is then carefully type it into your search engine (don't blame ...

Back Door Models
A thought occurred to me while inspecting a new purchase of a Norev Jet Car Chrysler 180 about its rear ...

We got Lucky Again – with a Lucky Toys Jaguar XJ6!
Let us time travel back 50 years or so! Picture it; a Woolworths store somewhere in Great Britain in the ...

Tommy Gunn
In the world of 12” action figures, the name that’s resonates the most with chaps my age is of course ...

Hot Wheels Creepy Packaging Error
Whilst shopping for provisions the other day I happened upon a string of Hot Wheels which they sporadically sell in ...

Lucky Toys Fire Chief
Take a look at this 1970s plastic fantastic that has just come my way. Model car makers just like full ...

All Flaminias Lead To Rome, Or Rimini
High up on my list of all-time favourite cars is the Lancia Flaminia Coupe. Although I wouldn't say no to ...

Going Lowko over Basset-Lowkes O Gauge ‘Duke of York
Wenman Joseph Bassett-Lowke - you could hardly be a shrinking violet with a name like that and he was not!He ...

Dinky Toys 113 John Steeds Jaguar 5.3 XJC
Dinky diecast diehards like myself have drooled over the prospects of discovering this ‘fabled’ model ever since it 'supposedly’ was ...

Tekno Bargain
I'm a big fan of the models produced by Danish firm Tekno especially the older models as they have a ...

Lesser Spotted Hong Kong Dinky
I've just made a rash and semi expensive purchase which is not like me at all, so in an attempt ...

Hot Wheels Omni 024
One reason I love the world of model cars is that you can easily collect vehicles from all over the ...

When is a Corgi Plymouth Sports Suburban, not a Corgi Plymouth Sports Suburban? When its a Milton!
At first glance you could take this for a common old Corgi model, but it turns out to be all ...

Kellerman Motorcycle Combination
Came across this little beauty the other day. It’s a tinplate Military Motorcycle Combination, probably dating from the early 1930’s ...

CLE – French Plastic Toy Manufacturer
Here is another old manufacturer I've never heard of before, Cle'.This little green all plastic 1:43 scale Renault Estafette van ...

Dig this – The World of Construction Diecasts
I've gone off on a collecting tangent lately into the muddy world of construction vehicles at least in 1:50 scale ...

Corgi Whizzwheels Volkswagen 1200 Beetle – Resto Mod
I've always had a thing for VW Beetles and the Corgi 1:43 scale which ran through the 1960s and 70s ...

Steiff Toy Cars
Thanks to all of the antique programs on telly these days everyone knows about Steiff and their stuffed animals, but ...

Some of my favourite diecasts are…Studebakers!
Studebaker stopped making cars in 1967 but they left a huge legacy of innovative and distinctive vehicles which have been ...

Can you solve a vintage Corgi Toys mystery?
I have noticed and I can't be the only one that some Corgi models where the paint is chipped show ...

A Diecast Rarity by Mercury
Here's a little vintage diecast rarity for you and its name is longer than the model itself.This is a Fiat ...

Why I had to buy some Wiking Model Vehicles
I bought the vehicles pictured below a few months ago. A train enthusiast sadly passed away, and his family put ...

Russian Diecast Model Cars
One of the great things about working in an auction house is the chance to handle and look at some ...

The Iconic Volvo 240
You've got 10 seconds to draw a car that someone will recognize, what are you going to do?Maybe a semi-circle ...

We love a Unimog!
One of the few vehicles my cuz and I can both agree on liking is that four wheeled hardy perennial ...

Underground, Overground – My Wombling Adventure!
I can’t tell you how much I love this new job of mine! I don’t strictly regard it as a ...

Diecast Ford Zephyr Estate!
I like an unusual model be that an unusual model of a common vehicle or vice versa. You often find ...

My hobby has turned into a job!
As I write this, I still can’t believe what has happened to me over the last few months. To say ...

Dodge Charger – Just a Good Old Diecast Model
If you’re looking for a clean-cut American screen idol that won't disappoint you in real life and won't end up ...

Unearthing an Early Tinplate Toy Discovery
In with a recent purchase of motley old toys was a very old tin plate car, or rather some of ...

Lamborghini Marzal
In 1967 Lamborghini made a very striking and yet rather classy looking 4-seater called the Marzal. Designed by Marcello Gandini, ...

Tri-ang Treat
Have you seen a Tri-ang racing car like this one? It looks to be a pretty early model; I'm guessing ...

Johnny Lightning & Racing Champions Mint 1:64 by Mac Ragan
My addiction to collecting 1:64 is still all consuming! I cant believe that I am actually getting over my obsession ...

Can you identify this Mystery Tinplate Toy Plane?
Right folks, your help is required. What the deuce is this fun little flying mouse I've just purchased?I have searched every ...

Auto Replicas No. 36 1958 Jaguar XK150
This is a great looking model. A white metal model which we bought ready made - you could also buy ...

I don’t know much about Johnny Lightning diecast – so meet a man who does!
My toy collection has changed a lot over the last few years. Not only is it a lot smaller thanks ...

20 Web Pages for Matchbox Car Collectors to Die (cast) For!!!
Did you like the joke?? to ..Die (Cast) for?? Get it?Anyway...moving on swiftly, on one of our regular trips to ...

Bing Model Boat Discovery!
If there is one thing in a job lot that will catch my eye it will be something that I ...

The Matchbox Car I Love to Hate!
Before I start, I’d just like to thank some of the collecting fraternity I have befriended on social media for ...

Corgi 300 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
A rather attractive Corgi Chevrolet Corvette Stingray has come my way lately, this one is in the red 'plated effect' ...

Siku To The Rescue!
Today's treasure is a Siku Mercedes LP 608 recovery truck in the classic yellow ADAC livery. I think this one ...

It’s a Gas!
Take a look at this little gem that Postman Steve has just delivered to me!it's a 1:43 scale model of ...

My Latest Diecast Purchase
Meet the latest addition to my Scirocco collection!It's a 1970s Mk1 in 1:43 scale made by Auto Pilen in Spain ...

Corgi Jaguar XJ12C
One of my favourite models, actually it's arguably more of a toy than a model but let's not argue, is ...

Auto Pilen- Excelente Espanol Modelo!
Here is a maker you might not be familiar with, but you should - Auto Pilen of Alicante produced a ...

Downsizing your toy collection isn’t as bad as you think!
“You need to get rid of some stuff!”She was never one to mince her words, my mum. I knew what ...

Are Hot Wheels the Best Toy Ever?
It's a simple question and the simple answer is yes, they are, and the reasons are many and varied.The range ...

Dusty Discoveries
Have you ever found an old toy, maybe just long forgotten in a rotting shed or even somewhere unexpected like ...

Is this Matchbox Diecast Original or is it a Re-paint? What do you think?
Collecting diecast model cars is a fantastic hobby and just one of its many benefits is its ability to create ...

Is this a rare Diecast? An Unidentified Dinky Variant???
I recently purchase a job lot of diecast and included in it was a Dinky 984 Auto Services Transporter (1958-63) ...

The Diecast Rover SD1 Post You Always Wanted to Read!
1976 was a big year for Britain and I'm not talking about the arrival of the epic heatwave or Martine ...

The Day I Met………… Stirling Moss!
We have recently decided to embark on a massive adventure, the wife and me.One which will test our mental agility, ...

50 Shades Of Dinky Toys
One of the attractions of collecting Dinky toys and the like is the wide range of colours they came in ...

10 types of toy collector seen at Swap-Meets
Wandering around toy fairs, flea markets and swap meets is something I have been brought up with. I think I ...

What advice would you give to a newbie diecast collector?
This was a subject of great debate between me and Baz recently.We were reminiscing over a brew (which was a ...

My 3 Ultimate Steve McQueen Diecast Model Cars
As we drove home from an auction yesterday, Baz and I discussed one of our newly acquired items. We’d managed ...

Some must have 1967 Cadillac Eldorado diecasts
Cadillac has been busy making motor cars for an incredible 116 years - and now that I have said the ...

Collecting diecast model cars helps me cope with grief..and with life!
Who’d have thought it – these tiny representations of vehicles both actual and imaginary that grace our highways and byways ...

Diecast Model Car Restoration Is it….ART?
A well know German car firm have a tradition of having people decorate their cars but have you ever thought ...

Beware the Intercrystaline Corrosion!
Intercrystaline, it sounds quite nice doesn't it? But, the fact is its bad news if you have it!Most collectors of ...

Got a mystery diecast? Look closer – the clues are there!
If you come across an unusual looking model that you don't recognise then take a closer look at it.Chances are ...

My A-Z favourite Diecast Model Cars!
This is my list of different models from different manufacturers.Check these beauties out: Altaya Yugo 45 - go on you know ...

Check this rare 1960’s toy Batmobile we found!
WOW! You dont see many of these around!All Batman toy fans will know that this is a desirable toy.Bazza and ...

There’s more to diecast model car collecting than Dinky Toys!
Whilst I love a Dinky as much as the next person there are so many other makers past and present ...

My Diecast Model Car Collecting Highlights – Part 1
Scarborough; a very warm day; July 1974. I was seven years old.We had family on the East Coast and we ...

Your Dream Car…In Diecast
I bet there is a car you have always wanted to own but just isn't practical to own and use, ...

My Diecast Model Car Collecting Highlights – Part 2
July 1990. I’d been studying at Polytechnic (those of a certain age will know what these are!) for 4 years ...

The Diecast Toy Collecting Bug!
What is it about miniature versions of things that capture people’s imaginations so?Let’s not think too hard about it as ...

What’s the True Worth of Collectible Diecast Model Cars?
I don’t have many rules in my passion for collecting. I’ve tried to adhere to certain things which I suppose ...
We are two big kids (who just happen to be cousins) who never grew up!
We collect old toys and love to blog about hobby!
We collect mainly diecast model cars - Dinky, Corgi and Matchbox, but are interested in all old toys such as Scalextric; Action Man; Star Wars / Action Figures; Toy Soldiers; Transformers; Lego - basically anything which takes us back to our childhood.